A guide to SFDX for admins

Imagine you're a chef, and Salesforce is your kitchen. You're responsible for creating and managing all the delicious dishes your customers love. But sometimes the kitchen can get a little chaotic.

  • Published 04 Jan 2024
  • 5 mins read
A guide to SFDX for admins
Table of contents
Article Highlights
  • Salesforce DX (SFDX) is presented as a toolkit that helps admins manage Salesforce configurations and metadata as source code, enabling easier tracking of changes and team collaboration.
  • The article outlines several challenges admins may face with SFDX, such as its complexity, the need for version control understanding, integration with third-party tools, and potential costs.
  • Hutte offers a user-friendly, web-based interface that simplifies the use of SFDX for admins, allowing them to manage Salesforce environments and participate in the development lifecycle without needing extensive technical knowledge.

Pots and pans are everywhere, ingredients are scattered about, and multiple chefs work on different dishes simultaneously. That's where Salesforce DX (SFDX) comes in. It's like a magical tool kit that helps you organize and streamline your tasks.

With SFDX, you can manage your recipes and ingredients as ‘source code,’ making it easier to track changes and collaborate with your team. 
You can even create ‘scratch kitchens’ to test out new dishes before you serve them to customers.

But SFDX is more than just a recipe book. It's also like having an assistant who can handle some of your more tedious tasks. For example, it can help automate testing, ensuring that your work always comes out perfectly.

Here are some of the main features of SFDX for admins:

  • As mentioned above, SFDX uses a source-driven development model, which allows admins to manage their Salesforce configuration and metadata as source code.
  • SFDX utilizes version control, which allows admins to track changes to their Salesforce metadata over time. Admins can also collaborate with other team members on changes, which can help them ensure that their Salesforce environment is always in a known and stable state.
  • SFDX allows admins to create and manage scratch orgs, and disposable Salesforce environments for testing and development. Scratch orgs can help admins ensure their changes work as expected before being deployed to production.
  • SFDX supports automated testing, which can help admins check that their changes do not introduce unintended behavior or regressions.

Some of the challenges admins face with SFDX

Even though SFDX aids admins, it does create some challenges as well. These challenges include:


SFDX is a complex system that may require significant customization and configuration to work effectively. This can make it difficult for admins unfamiliar with modern development practices. SFDX also requires admins to learn new tools and processes, which can be time-exhausting.

Version control

SFDX utilizes version control, which may be a new concept for many admins. This can require additional training and effort.


SFDX requires integration with third-party tools, which can create added complexity and maintenance requirements.


SFDX is a paid product, which may be a barrier for some organizations, particularly smaller ones.

Limited functionality

Some admins may find that SFDX does not offer all the functionality they need, especially if they have highly customized Salesforce environments.


SFDX introduces new deployment processes, which may require extra time and effort.

Limited support for certain types of metadata

While SFDX supports various metadata types, some are not yet fully supported.

Security considerations

SFDX introduces new security considerations that admins may not be familiar with, such as managing access to scratch orgs and protecting source code repositories.

Upfront investment

Adopting SFDX requires an upfront investment in time, effort, and resources, which can be challenging for already resource-constrained organizations.

Dependency management

SFDX introduces new dependency management requirements, which can be hard to navigate.

There is an easier way for admins with Hutte

Hutte provides a user-friendly solution for leveraging SFDX without needing a command line interface (CLI). Our web-based interface simplifies version control for Salesforce, eliminating potential barriers for admins. 

It gives admins everything they need at their fingertips, making them more productive in their day-to-day work. With Hutte, you can easily create and manage Salesforce scratch orgs and sandboxes without writing any code.

In addition, you don't need to install or learn Git since Hutte's UI is already integrated with popular Git hosting tools, such as GitHub and Azure.

Hutte is truly one of the best tools that we use. Product owners, Salesforce solution architects, business analysts — anyone on our team can easily and visually accomplish the tasks that would otherwise take a lot of clicks, time, and coding.
Sebastian Lechner
Product Management Director of IPfolio

You can also view your changes, including pull requests, directly from these hosting providers in a line-by-line comparison format.

Hutte generates and integrates all the necessary data, so admins don’t need to replicate anything manually.

On that note, let’s delve into other ways Hutte combats the challenges SFDX presents to admins.

Utilize scratch orgs and sandboxes

Create your scratch orgs or sandboxes from a clean UI. Your DevOps or release managers can shape Hutte in a way where the development environments fit the needs of the org. 

You, as an admin, can then:

  • One-click login to these environments
  • Do your desired work in the native SFDX environment
  • Using the object manager to change the data model by adding validation rules allows you to do declarative and no-code work. This includes changes to list views, page layouts, and formula flows.

Create a pull request

You will then see all of the metadata you have touched. You can also opt out of any changes you don’t want to be included.

You can create a pull request from an easy UI without having to learn Git.

You will ship your changes to Hutte, where a release manager or automaton will pick them up and process them according to the development lifecycle.

The lifecycle can include the following:

  • Code reviews being performed
  • Automation kicking in
  • Tests being executed on changes
  • Merging the changes with the primary source of truth (continuous integration).
Hutte empowers admins to participate in the overall lifecycle without installing additional tooling, waiting for environments to be provisioned from their machines, and offloading the tasks to our clouding infrastructure. 

You can efficiently and smoothly focus on what you do best – configured and no-code work within SFDX.

Feel empowered to participate in the no-code work

The conventional way of using SFDX for admins requires more technical work, which can be complicated for no-code users.

Using Hutte, any admin can make changes and create pull requests – irrespective of their skills or knowledge.

Contact us

to make your transition

Last updated: 11 Jul 2024