Sync your mobile and Salesforce Calendar with CalendarService API

As a Salesforce professional, you're well aware of the benefits of streamlining your tasks, and one aspect where this can have a significant impact is calendar management.

  • Published 24 Jan 2024
  • 4 mins read
Sync your mobile and Salesforce Calendar with CalendarService API
Table of contents

Hutte Expert Panel

Manuel Moya
Manuel Moya
Salesforce DevOps Consultant & Application Architect
Manuel Moya Ferrer is a highly skilled freelancer who serves as a technical architect, developer, and DevOps engineer. He specializes in Salesforce solutions, covering all technical aspects of their development lifecycle.
Matthias Rolke
Matthias Rolke
Freelance DevOps Consultant
Matthias is a freelance DevOps consultant for the Salesforce platform and an advisor for Hutte. He loves open-source software and maintains a few SFDX-related tools.
Article highlights
  • Testing the availability of CalendarService is critical before implementation to ensure the component functions correctly across various devices.
  • Integration with Lightning Web Components enables seamless updates and event management directly from mobile devices, enhancing real-time data accuracy.
  • The CalendarService API's functions such as addEvent(), updateEvent(), and removeEvent() offer comprehensive capabilities to manage calendar events efficiently.

This article will explore how you can synchronize your Salesforce Calendar with your mobile calendar using the CalendarService API and Lightning Web Components (LWC). This will enhance your work efficiency and ensure you're always in the right place at the right time.

Why sync your Salesforce Calendar with your Mobile Calendar?

Accessing your Salesforce Calendar and mobile device lets you stay updated with your schedule, make changes on the go, and receive notifications and reminders. This feature is crucial for those who are always on the move or prefer the convenience of mobile calendar apps.

I use a calender to keep track of the three annual Salesforce Releases and community events in Europe.
Matthias Rolke
Freelance DevOps Consultant

Using the CalendarService API

To create a Lightning Web Component with calendar features, use the CalendarService API to access a device's native calendar functionalities.

  1. Import CalendarService: Import CalendarService into your component definition to access its functions within your code.
  2. Test availability: Before using any calendar-related functions, perform a check to ensure that CalendarService is accessible.
  3. Use calendar functions: Once confirmed, use calendar functions like "addEvent()," "updateEvent()," and "removeEvent()" to create, update, and delete calendar events, respectively.

Add CalendarService to a Lightning Web Component

In your component's JavaScript file, import the "getCalendarService()" factory function from the "lightning/mobileCapabilities" module like this:

import { getCalendarService } from 'lightning/mobileCapabilities';

Test CalendarService availability

Before using CalendarService, it's essential to know that it relies on physical device hardware and platform features. A component that uses CalendarService renders, but its calendar-related functions fail. To prevent these errors, test if CalendarService functionality is available with the "isAvailable()" function.

handleManageCalendarEventsClick(event) {
   const myCalendarService = getCalendarService();
   if(myCalendarService.isAvailable()) {
// business logic
   else {
     // CalendarService not available 

Get calendars

This function is a prerequisite for using any other CalendarService functionality. In simpler terms, you need to call this function before using any other CalendarService function, except for "getCalendarService()."

You can easily import device calendars into your Lightning Web Component with CalendarService. Start using "getCalendars()" to allow your component to access the device's available calendars. Then, you can manipulate the calendar data as needed.


// Access device calendars
  .then((results) => {
    // business logic
    this.calendars = results;
  .catch((error) => {
    // Handle exceptions here
    this.calendars = [];

Create a calendar event

Use the "addEvent()" function to create and add new calendar events on a mobile device.


// Adding an event to a mobile device calendar
myCalendarService.addEvent(event, options)
  .then((results) => {
    // Business logic
    this.newEvent = results;
  .catch((error) => {
    // Handle exceptions here

Update a calendar event

Use the “updateEvent()” function to update calendar events on a mobile device.


// Updating an event on a mobile device calendar
myCalendarService.updateEvent(event, options)
   .then((results) => {
     // Business logic
     this.updatedEvent = results;
   .catch((error) => {
     // Handle exceptions here

Remove a calendar event

Use the “removeEvent()” function to delete calendar events on a mobile device.


// Removing an event on a mobile device calendar
myCalendarService.removeEvent(event, options)
  .then((results) => {
    // Handle successful deletion here
    console.log('Event successfully deleted!');
  .catch((error) => {
    // Handle exceptions here

Make your calendar mobile

Syncing your Salesforce Calendar with your mobile calendar is a productivity boost for Salesforce professionals on the move. Using the CalendarService API and Lightning Web Components, you can seamlessly integrate these two vital aspects of your work life.

No more missing appointments or scrambling to update your schedule – your Salesforce and mobile calendars will always be in perfect harmony.

Now that you have synced and simplified your mobile and Salesforce Calendar, are you looking to simplify your work on Salesforce?

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Last updated: 10 Jul 2024