How to utilize Sandboxes as short-lived development environments

If you're a Developer, you already know the importance of having a safe and flexible environment for development and testing. Especially when you're working with Salesforce, where development and deployment can be a pain. This is where we use Salesforce Sandboxes.

  • Published 31 Jul 2024
  • 10 mins read
How to utilize Sandboxes as short-lived development environments
Table of contents

Hutte expert panel

Sushrut Kumar Mishra
Sushrut Kumar Mishra
Salesforce Developer, Technical Writer, and Entrepreneur
Sushrut is a skilled Salesforce Developer, Technical Writer, and Entrepreneur. His expertise includes front-end dev, Web3, and DevRel. He leverages technology to craft exceptional digital experiences.
Manuel Moya
Manuel Moya
Salesforce DevOps Consultant & Application Architect
Manuel Moya Ferrer is a highly skilled freelancer who serves as a technical architect, developer, and DevOps engineer. He specializes in Salesforce solutions, covering all technical aspects of their development lifecycle.
Article highlights
  • Choose the right type of Sandbox for your project, refresh strategically to stay in sync with production, and manage data efficiently using tools like Salesforce Data Loader and Hutte.
  • Learn advanced techniques for managing Sandboxes, including using automation tools like Hutte for Sandbox Pooling, integrating Sandboxes with CI/CD pipelines, and employing data anonymization for security.
  • Establish clear communication channels, define roles and responsibilities, and use version control systems to streamline Sandbox management and improve team collaboration.

They offer a safe space to build, test, and refine your work without affecting your live environment. But what does having a Sandbox as a short-lived development environment mean? Sandboxes can be considered short-lived environments in Salesforce development because they are typically created for specific tasks or projects and then deleted or refreshed after those tasks are completed.

But beyond the basics, advanced techniques and real-world applications can improve your Sandbox management. This article explores optimizing your Sandbox usage, integrating with CI/CD pipelines, and using automation tools like Hutte to streamline processes.

What are Salesforce Sandboxes?

Salesforce Sandboxes are copies of your production environment. They provide a safe space to develop, test, and train without risking your actual data. Sandboxes are isolated, meaning their changes do not affect your production environment.

They are essential for any organization that values a smooth, risk-free development process. Using Sandboxes, you can simulate real-world scenarios and ensure your changes work correctly before deploying them to production. This isolation helps maintain the integrity of your live environment, preventing unexpected issues and downtime.

I don't want to distract from the main idea of this article. So, read our guide if you want to learn more about the basics of Sandboxes, their types, and Sandbox templates.

Advanced Sandbox management techniques

I'm assuming that you already know the basics of Salesforce Sandboxes and their usage. So, I'm going to start with some advanced Sandbox management techniques.

Optimizing Sandbox usage

Effective Sandbox management begins with understanding how to optimize usage. Optimization isn't something complex – you only need to get the basics right. For example:

  • Identify the right Sandbox type: Salesforce offers four types of Sandbox types – Developer, Developer Pro, Partial Copy, and Full. Choose the appropriate one based on your project's needs. For instance, Developer Sandboxes are ideal for development and testing, while Full Sandboxes are best for performance testing and staging.
  • Refresh strategically: Refresh your Sandboxes regularly to keep them in sync with your production environment. However, be mindful of refresh limits and plan accordingly. For instance, Full Sandboxes can be refreshed every 29 days, while Developer Sandboxes can be refreshed daily.
  • Data management: Use tools like Salesforce Data Loader or third-party solutions like Copado and Hutte to import, export, and manage data efficiently. Archive unnecessary data in Sandboxes to free up space and keep environments clean.

Managing Sandbox limits and data efficiently

To maximize the potential of your Sandboxes, you need to manage limits and data effectively. Be cautious of data storage limits by regularly cleaning up unnecessary data and using tools like Salesforce Data Loader to import and export data efficiently.

Regularly check Sandbox usage limits in "Salesforce Setup." Be proactive in managing and requesting additional Sandboxes if necessary. Moreover, avoid data skew by ensuring data distribution is even. Skewed data can lead to performance issues and inaccurate testing results.

You can also utilize Partial Copy Sandboxes for testing with representative data subsets instead of full data sets, which conserves space and speeds up processes.

Automation tools for Sandbox management

Automation can drastically reduce the manual effort involved in Sandbox management. Hutte's Sandbox Pooling is a prime example of how automation can enhance efficiency.

Hutte's Sandbox Pooling feature

Hutte's Sandbox Pooling easily combines the strengths of short-lived Scratch Orgs with the replication capabilities of Sandboxes. This approach provides an efficient way to mirror the production environment for development.

  • For Admins: Connecting your Production Org to Hutte fetches all available Sandboxes, which can be added to a pool. These Sandboxes are automatically or manually refreshed, ensuring they are always up-to-date and ready for use. Custom naming conventions simplify identification, and a scheduler can automate refreshes outside business hours to maintain availability.
  • For team members: Developers can select a fresh Sandbox from the pool, ensuring they work in an environment closely mirroring the Production Org. Hutte facilitates easy login, change tracking, and integration with Git, simplifying version control and collaboration. Both low-code and pro-code team members benefit from seamless workflow integration, enhancing overall team efficiency.
  • User experience: Users can view and select available Sandboxes ordered by their last refresh date. Once development is complete, the Sandbox is returned to the pool and refreshed for future use, minimizing downtime and maximizing resource utilization.

Hutte's Sandbox Pooling addresses common Sandbox management challenges, ensuring fresh development environments, reducing manual effort, and streamlining integration processes. This tool is essential for teams seeking to enhance efficiency and maintain up-to-date environments for feature development.

Additionally, automated data masking tools like Salesforce Shield can anonymize data in Sandboxes, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations while maintaining data integrity for testing.

Contact us

for a Sandbox Pooling demo

Tips for anonymizing and securing data

Data security is of utmost importance in Sandbox environments. Here's how to ensure your Sandbox data remains secure:

  • Anonymize data: Before importing data into a Sandbox, anonymize it to protect sensitive information. Use Salesforce's Data Mask or third-party tools to replace actual data with fictitious but structurally similar data.
  • Data encryption: Encrypt data within your Sandboxes to add an extra layer of security. Salesforce Shield provides platform encryption to secure data at rest and in transit.
  • Access controls: Limit access to Sandboxes. Grant permissions only to those who need them. Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to manage permissions effectively.

Integrating Sandboxes with CI/CD pipelines


Working with and managing Salesforce Sandboxes is incomplete without integrating CI/CD pipelines. Integrating Sandboxes with continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines is vital for an efficient Salesforce development and deployment process.

To set up CI/CD with Sandboxes, choose a CI/CD platform compatible with Salesforce, such as Jenkins, CircleCI, or GitLab. These platforms help automate the development lifecycle, from code commit to deployment.

Version control system

Use a version control system like Git to manage your source code and maintain a source of truth. Each feature or bug fix should have its own branch, facilitating parallel development and testing.

Continuous integration

Configure your CI tool to automatically build and test code changes whenever a Developer commits to the repository. This typically involves:

  • Running static code analysis using tools like PMD or SonarQube.
  • Executing unit tests with Apex test classes to ensure code quality.
  • Performing validation deployments against a Developer or Developer Pro Sandbox.

Continuous deployment

Set up your CD process to deploy code changes to higher environments. This involves:

  1. Deploying from a feature branch to an integration Sandbox for combined testing.
  2. Deploying to a UAT (user acceptance testing) Sandbox after successful integration testing.
  3. Deploying to a staging or Full Sandbox for performance and regression testing.
  4. Finally, deploying to production.

Tools and plugins you can use for efficient integration

There are several tools and plugins in the market that can make integrating Sandboxes with CI/CD pipelines more efficient:

  • Salesforce CLI: The Salesforce CLI is a powerful tool for automating tasks and integrating with your CI/CD system. Use it to authenticate, create Scratch Orgs, push/pull metadata, and run tests.
  • Hutte: Hutte provides advanced Sandbox management features, such as Sandbox Pooling, 1-click login, and automation. Integrating with CI/CD tools modernizes Sandbox creation, data seeding, and environment clean-up processes.
  • Salesforce CLI plugins: Chances are high that whatever specific problem you encounter, the incredible Salesforce community has already created a plugin. Browse the list of awesome SFDX plugins or search for something specific, such as "Awesome SFDX Plugins" and "SF Plugin Explorer."

By utilizing these tools and following the steps mentioned above for CI/CD integration, you can ensure a smooth and efficient development process with Salesforce Sandboxes.

Best practices for team collaboration

Now, you can get all the steps and tools straight, but if there's no proper team collaboration, you'll encounter problems. Effective team collaboration is crucial when working with multiple Sandboxes, especially in large teams. Here are some strategies and best practices to enhance collaboration and manage multiple Sandboxes efficiently:

  • Clear communication: Establish clear communication channels within your team. Use tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to keep everyone informed about ongoing developments, deployments, and issues. Each member must be in the loop.
  • Defined roles and responsibilities: Assign specific roles and responsibilities to team members. This refrains team members from overriding others' work and confusing their own. For instance, designate Sandbox owners who manage the setup, maintenance, and refresh schedules.
  • Regular meetings: Hold regular stand-up meetings to discuss progress, roadblocks, and upcoming tasks. This ensures everyone is on the same page and can collaborate effectively.

Managing multiple Sandboxes in large teams

Things get more complex if you're working with a large project and team. The more Sandboxes you work with, the more complex it gets. Managing multiple Sandboxes requires careful planning and organization. Here's what you can ensure:

  • Sandbox naming conventions: Implement a clear naming convention for Sandboxes to avoid confusion. You can include the project name, environment type, and purpose in the Sandbox name. But the limit is that the name can only be ten characters long.
  • Sandbox lifecycle management: Define the lifecycle of each Sandbox, including creation, usage, refresh, and deletion. Automation tools should be used to manage these processes and ensure that Sandboxes are used efficiently.
  • Environment documentation: Maintain detailed documentation of all Sandboxes, including their purpose, data sets, and refresh schedules. This helps team members understand the current state of each environment and avoid conflicts.

Using version control systems with Sandboxes

I'm assuming you already know the importance of having a version control system like Git while working with multiple Sandboxes. One source of truth for each Salesforce application and easy code tracking is necessary. Here are a few things you need to take care of:

  • Branching strategy: Have a branching strategy that suits your development workflow. Common strategies include GitFlow, which separates development and production branches, and feature branching, which creates a new branch for each feature or bug fix.
  • Code reviews: Conduct regular code reviews to ensure code quality and consistency. Use pull requests to facilitate discussions and catch potential issues before they reach higher environments. One easy way is to introduce peer-to-peer code reviews.
  • Automated testing: Integrate automated testing into your VCS workflow. Run unit tests and static code analysis on every commit to catch issues early and maintain code quality.

Troubleshooting common Sandbox issues

Managing Salesforce Sandboxes presents its own challenges. In this section, we'll discuss some common issues and their solutions, along with proactive measures to avoid problems. As a bonus, I'm also including a few pointers on how you can use Hutte to streamline your troubleshooting. Let's start with the challenges first:

Common challenges and solutions

  1. Data synchronization issues: Out-of-sync Sandboxes are a common challenge that can lead to inconsistent test results. To avoid this, you must regularly refresh Sandboxes according to a well-defined schedule. Use automated scripts to ensure data and configurations are up-to-date.
  2. Storage limitations: Sandboxes have storage limits, and exceeding these can halt development and testing activities. To avoid this obstacle, regularly clean up unnecessary data and use tools like Salesforce Data Loader to manage data imports and exports. Monitor storage usage and plan for necessary expansions.
  3. Data masking and security: Working on sensitive data in Sandboxes can pose security risks. To avoid them, you should use automated data masking tools such as Salesforce Shield. Make sure that all sensitive information is anonymized before importing into Sandboxes.
  4. Sandbox refresh conflicts: Conflicts can arise when multiple Developers work in the same Sandbox environment. Plan clear refresh schedules and communicate them effectively within the team. Use version control systems to manage code changes and reduce conflicts.
  5. Configuration drift: Over time, the configuration in a Sandbox can drift from production. Use Change Sets or the Salesforce CLI to systematically track and deploy configuration changes. Conduct regular audits to ensure alignment between environments.

Proactive measures to avoid issues

  1. Automate routine tasks: Use automation tools like Hutte to handle routine tasks such as Sandbox creation, data seeding, and refreshes.
  2. Implement monitoring and alerts: Set up monitoring tools to track Sandbox health and performance. Alerts can notify you of issues like storage limits being reached or failed deployments.
  3. Regular backups: Regularly back up Sandbox data and metadata. This allows you to restore environments quickly in case of issues or data loss.
  4. Use CI/CD pipelines: Integrate Sandboxes into your CI/CD pipelines to automate testing and deployment processes. This ensures that any issues are caught early in the development cycle.

Using Hutte to streamline troubleshooting


Hutte is an excellent tool that simplifies Salesforce DevOps, making it easy to work with Sandboxes, manage environments, and track changes:

  1. 1-click Sandbox and Scratch Org creation: Hutte provides an intuitive visual interface for creating and managing Salesforce environments with a single click. This reduces wait times and eliminates the need for command line or Git knowledge.
  2. Org pooling and 1-click logins: With Hutte, you can pool Sandboxes and Scratch Orgs, making it easy to share environments across your team. One-click logins streamline access, saving time and enhancing productivity.
  3. Track and deploy changes easily: Hutte allows you to track configuration and code changes seamlessly. You can deploy changes to any environment without vendor lock-in, ensuring a transparent release process.
  4. Empower your team: Hutte frees Architects and Developers from redundant tasks and enables no-coders to contribute to releases. This allows every team member to focus on what truly matters, speeding up development and release cycles.
  5. Security and compliance: Hutte ensures your data is secure with encryption in transit and at rest. It also complies with enterprise-grade standards, including SOC II Type 2 audits, providing peace of mind that your environments are protected.

Start Pooling your Sandboxes

In short, using Salesforce Sandboxes as short-lived environments in a feature-driven development approach can make your development process efficient and dispute-free. By following the aforementioned Sandbox management techniques, integrating with CI/CD pipelines, and utilizing automation tools like Hutte, you can make your development, testing, and deployment process efficient.

Last updated: 31 Jul 2024