How to measure and calculate your Salesforce ROI

Implementing Salesforce and obtaining licensing can be a hefty investment for companies, demanding a higher-end financial commitment. But how do you measure the return on this investment?

  • Published 10 May 2024
  • 7 mins read
How to measure and calculate your Salesforce ROI
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Hutte expert panel

Sushrut Kumar Mishra
Sushrut Kumar Mishra
Salesforce Developer, Technical Writer, and Entrepreneur
Sushrut is a skilled Salesforce Developer, Technical Writer, and Entrepreneur. His expertise includes front-end dev, Web3, and DevRel. He leverages technology to craft exceptional digital experiences.
Harald Mayer
Harald Mayer
Hutte CEO & Founder
Harald is the Co-Founder of Hutte, bringing his vision of no-code DevOps to life. His passion enables teams and individuals to focus on what matters most – bringing value to the users they build for.
Article highlights
  • Implementing Salesforce requires a substantial financial commitment due to licensing and customization costs, necessitating careful ROI assessment.
  • ROI analysis for Salesforce helps in justifying the investment, optimizing resource usage, and making informed decisions about budget allocation and strategic planning.
  • Factors influencing Salesforce ROI include customization levels, integration complexities, user adoption rates, ongoing maintenance expenses, business goals, industry-specific needs, and market conditions.

That's the question I will be answering. I'll also dive into the essential process of measuring the return on investment (ROI) for Salesforce implementation.

You will understand how calculating ROI allows businesses to accurately assess the impact of their Salesforce implementation, optimize resource usage, and make well-informed decisions for the future.

Author's note: According to Nucleus Research, you get back $8.71 for every dollar you spend on CRM. Cool, right?

To measure and calculate your ROI on Salesforce implementations, you need a transparent step-by-step methodology rather than just a simple cost analysis. Before we get into it, let's first understand ROI.

Importance of calculating ROI for Salesforce

It's crucial for your business to calculate the ROI of Salesforce implementations to justify the investment and evaluate its effectiveness. This analysis provides valuable insights into whether the benefits gained from Salesforce outweigh the costs incurred. Additionally, ROI analysis helps you in making informed decisions about budget allocation, future investments, and strategic planning.

Factors affecting Salesforce ROI

Several factors influence the ROI of your Salesforce implementations, such as:

  1. Customization levels
  2. Integration complexities
  3. User adoption rates
  4. Ongoing maintenance expenses.

Moreover, business goals, industry-specific needs, and market conditions also impact ROI. Understanding these factors is essential for accurately assessing and optimizing Salesforce ROI. I'll give you the formula to calculate ROI. But before that, we need to understand the objectives and metrics involved, calculate the costs, and quantify the benefits.

Identifying objectives and metrics of your Salesforce investment

Before calculating ROI, it's essential to clearly define the objectives of your Salesforce implementation. These objectives should align with your overall business goals and objectives. For instance, your goal might be to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, streamline processes, or enhance marketing effectiveness.

Once objectives are established, it's crucial to identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) or metrics that will help measure progress towards these objectives.

These metrics should follow the SMART framework. SMART is:

  1. Specific
  2. Measurable
  3. Achievable
  4. Relevant
  5. Time-bound.

For example, if your goal is to increase sales, relevant metrics might include lead conversion rates, average deal size, or sales cycle length. By identifying your precise objectives and relevant metrics upfront, you can ensure that your ROI analysis is focused and meaningful. This can also help align your Salesforce implementation with your organization's broader strategic goals.

Calculating costs on your Salesforce investment

Let's be honest, you often just invest whatever, wherever required. However, understanding the expenses tied to your Salesforce implementation is crucial for accurately capturing your ROI.

These costs come in various forms, including direct, indirect, and hidden expenses.

Direct costs

  • Software licenses: This includes the upfront costs for acquiring Salesforce licenses based on the number of users and specific features needed.
  • Customization: Expenses related to customizing Salesforce orgs to meet your company's unique requirements, such as configuring workflows or creating custom applications.
  • Implementation fees: Costs associated with hiring consultants or third-party experts to help set up Salesforce, migrate data, and integrate it with existing systems.
  • Hardware requirements: Any expenses for hardware upgrades or new equipment, such as servers or networking gear, needed to support your Salesforce implementation.

Indirect costs

  • Training expenses: These are the costs of training employees to use Salesforce effectively, including materials, instructor fees, and the time employees spend in training sessions.
  • Maintenance and support fees: These are ongoing expenses for maintaining and updating Salesforce and technical support services provided by Salesforce or third-party vendors.
  • Data migration and integration: Costs for moving existing data into Salesforce and ensuring it works seamlessly with other systems, including data cleanup and testing.
  • Opportunity costs: Any potential losses in revenue or productivity during the implementation period due to downtime or reduced efficiency.

Hidden costs

  • Change management: Expenses related to managing changes within your organization due to implementing Salesforce, including addressing employee resistance or adjusting existing processes.
  • Scalability and upgrades: Costs for expanding your Salesforce setup as your business grows, such as adding more licenses or customizations to accommodate increased demand.
  • Compliance and security: Expenses for meeting regulatory requirements and ensuring data security, covering audits, security enhancements, and legal fees.

By carefully considering these direct, indirect, and hidden costs, you can clearly understand the investment you make in your Salesforce implementation and accurately evaluate its ROI. This thorough approach also helps you make well-informed decisions about how to allocate resources and optimize your Salesforce setup for maximum returns.

Quantifying benefits on your Salesforce investment

Once the costs of your Salesforce implementation are identified, it's equally important to quantify the benefits it brings to your business. These benefits can be tangible or intangible and play a crucial role in determining the overall ROI:

  1. Cost savings: Identify areas where your Salesforce implementation helps streamline operations and reduce costs. This could include savings in time and resources due to automation, improved collaboration among teams, and decreased reliance on manual processes.
  2. Enhanced productivity: Evaluate the efficiency gains achieved through Salesforce adoption. You can measure metrics such as time saved on administrative tasks, increased employee productivity, and faster response times to customer inquiries.
  3. Improved customer satisfaction: Assess Salesforce's impact on customer satisfaction and retention. Look at metrics such as customer feedback scores, net promoter score (NPS), and customer lifetime value to gauge the overall impact on customer relationships.
  4. Increased revenue: This one is a given! You measure Salesforce's impact on your sales pipeline and revenue generation. You can track metrics such as increased lead conversion rates, higher deal values, and improved sales velocity resulting from more efficient processes.

When you invest in something, you want to see the return on your investment, right? But to do that, you need to know the scope of the investment's benefits. With the right investment, you can achieve more benefits.

ROI calculation formula

As mentioned, the ROI formula helps you understand how profitable an investment is compared to its initial cost.

Here's how it works:

  • First, you calculate the net profit gained from the investment by subtracting the total investment cost from the total returns generated.
  • Then, you divide this net profit by the initial investment cost to get a ratio.
  • Finally, multiply this ratio by 100 to express the result as a percentage, giving you the ROI.
Formula: ROI (%) = ((Net profit - investment cost) / investment cost) * 100

This formula provides a straightforward way to evaluate the effectiveness of your Salesforce investments, allowing you to make informed decisions based on financial performance.

But is calculating ROI on Salesforce straightforward?

Before I get too deep into the numbers, let's ask ourselves: Is figuring out the ROI in Salesforce really as straightforward as it sounds? The short answer is "no," especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) implementing CRM solutions. Evaluating the effectiveness of Salesforce implementation can be pretty complex.

That's because the profits gained can be divided into two main groups:

  • Measurable profits
  • Unmeasurable profits.

Measurable profits

  • Measurable profits are those that can be quantified. These include generating more leads from marketing campaigns, finding more sales opportunities, and boosting revenue by better-managing sales.
  • You could also measure improved conversions by using customer data smarter, saving time through automation, controlling costs, analyzing data better for sharper sales strategies, and building stronger customer loyalty through better service and personal interactions.

Unmeasurable profits

  • Some profits are more complex to measure but are still super important. These include building better relationships with customers, making your team more effective by improving communication and collaboration, and keeping your data more consistent and accurate.
  • This also includes aspects like earning more customer trust and boosting your brand's image. These benefits might be tough to put a dollar value on, but they're crucial for long-term success and how people see your company overall.

So, what's the solution?

Author's note: It's all about staying flexible and monitoring every possible aspect. Regularly checking in on the difficult numbers and the softer, more qualitative elements lets you see Salesforce's total impact on your business. And that means you can make smarter decisions about where to focus your time and resources.

The average ROI on Salesforce implementation: A 2022 report

If you're still deciding which CRM platform to choose for better ROI, it's wise to rely on project data.

According to research conducted by Salesforce in 2022, involving over 3.5K enterprises, 89% of companies experienced a positive return on investment, averaging 29% after nine months of CRM system implementation.

Moreover, over 85% of businesses were willing to continue using the new tool. Here are some additional findings from Salesforce's ROI study:

  • Sales saw a 28% increase
  • User productivity increased by 30%
  • Decision-making time was reduced by 30%
  • Time to close sales opportunities decreased by 28%.

While these are just a few indicators measured by Salesforce, the research demonstrates that most companies implementing Salesforce achieve tangible benefits, resulting in a significant ROI shortly after implementation.

Increase your Salesforce ROI with Hutte

When talking about Salesforce ROI, it is impossible not to talk about Developer collaboration, ease of UI, and time efficiency. And when discussing these components, it is impossible not to talk about Hutte! If you're looking to make the most out of your Salesforce investment, this is a must-read:

  1. Hutte makes getting your work done on Salesforce simple.
  2. It makes teamwork easy with its simple interface, helping everyone on your Salesforce team work together smoothly.
  3. It saves time by automating tasks like refreshing sandboxes and creating scratch orgs.
  4. Hutte streamlines your workflow and uses the same processes for different projects, making work more efficient.

With Hutte, you can foster a sense of unity in your development process. By integrating Git, you ensure better version control and smoother collaboration between Developers. Moreover, in Hutte's visual interface, committing changes becomes a team effort, making development a shared and simplified experience.

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Last updated: 06 Aug 2024