Visualize your second-generation packaging with Hutte’s new module

Second-generation packaging is an excellent and ever-evolving innovation brought to us by Salesforce as part of the Salesforce DX (SFDX) initiative. Do you think it is only relevant for ISVs to publish their work on the AppExchange? Not even close!

  • Published 15 Aug 2023
  • 1 mins read
Visualize your second-generation packaging with Hutte’s new module
Table of contents
Leveraging unlocked second-generation packages can efficiently ship your work from development environments to your production org as an alternative to file-based metadata deployments.

The power of packaging is in your hands

We, at Hutte, are huge believers in the power of packaging.

That is why we have launched a Packaging Module!

It visualizes your second-generation packages and supports installing them to test and production environments from a user-friendly UI.

There is more to come for this feature in the future

  • Enhancements to our Roadmap include supporting monorepos (managing multiple packages on a single repository)
  • Creation of new package versions and entirely new packages
  • Diving into the topics of package ancestry and dependencies.

The updates keep on rolling

Our team at Hutte has been busy bees implementing the following changes:
  • Rolled out support for the new Salesforce (unified) CLI for executing your custom scripts. Activate it under “Project Settings” and “Docker Images”
  • Enhancements to the preview of your metadata changes on the “Changes” tab
  • Improved error logging.
We're gearing up to introduce a slew of additional enhancements for you. So, be on the lookout!

Last updated: 11 Jun 2024