New in Hutte: Removing outdated permission assignments and more

We embark on a journey of constant improvement and user-centric innovation to help redefine your user experience. Your feedback has been instrumental in making and elevating your interactions with our product more seamless and satisfying.

  • Published 04 Dec 2023
  • 3 mins read
New in Hutte: Removing outdated permission assignments and more
Table of contents

Read on to learn more about our value-added additions, enhancements, and updates.

Removing permission management from profiles with Hutte

Salesforce's long-awaited shift away from profile-based permissions necessitates a move towards permission sets. Removing outdated permission assignments from profiles is crucial to support this transition and enhance Git-based source cleanliness.

Our latest update in “Project Settings” and “Pull Changes” addresses this need. This new feature in Hutte allows for the automatic stripping of all permission-related elements from Salesforce profiles during a pull from a development environment (Sandbox or Scratch Org).

This enhancement streamlines your metadata management on Git, ensuring smoother code reviews and fewer merge conflicts. This aligns with the new Salesforce permission paradigm while maintaining efficient source code management.

Streamlining projects with multiple package directories

For projects embracing the advanced practice of segmenting metadata across multiple package directories, Hutte now offers support for those. Our latest update detects this setup on your Git repository and integrates an extra dropdown in the “Pull Changes” dialogue.

Here, you can easily select the specific directory for pulling your desired metadata. This dropdown intuitively defaults to the default package directory and lists all directories identified in the ‘sfdx-project.json’ of your linked Git repository.

New to the realm of package-based modular development? Dive into the cutting-edge open-source initiativeflxbl (formerly dx@scale) – for invaluable insights. 

Enhanced team member management for optimized project collaboration

Managing users within your Hutte Organization just got a lot smoother:

  • Admins can now effortlessly invite new members directly from the “Members” tab in the “Organization” menu.
  • Adding existing members to projects is more intuitive. Use the “Add team member” button at the top of each project page. You no longer need to type out full email addresses. Simply select from a list of existing Organization members. This feature is accessible to both Organization Admins and Project Admins.

Additionally, we've introduced detailed Organization member pages, accessible from the Organization level members listview.

Dedicated listview filter for terminated Scratch Orgs

In our ongoing effort to improve your experience, we've updated the default Scratch Org listview. Now, it displays only active Scratch Orgs, enhancing clarity and focus. Terminated Scratch Orgs have been relocated to a dedicated listview. This dedicated space separates them from active ones and allows for quick, one-click deletion, simplifying your management process.

Improved Scratch Org cloning

We've enhanced the Scratch Org cloning process. A dialogue appears when you clone a Scratch Org, allowing you to name the new clone and its branch immediately. This update eliminates an extra step, making the cloning process more efficient.

Searchable members listview at organizational level

For an enhanced user experience, we've upgraded the organization members listview to be fully searchable. This update simplifies the process of locating members within your organization.

"Create Projects" permission

Following the introduction of the "Project Admin" role, administrators now have the ability to grant specific users the power to create new projects. Once they do so, these users will automatically assume the role of "Project Admin" for their new project, enabling them to invite both existing and new users to join.

Try these updates for yourself

Take the plunge – sign in, sign up, or request a demo to immerse yourself in the excitement firsthand.

Last updated: 12 Jun 2024