Introducing our first team member spotlight

This week, we're featuring Samantha – our Content Manager and Chief Editor.

  • Published 02 May 2023
  • 1 mins read
Introducing our first team member spotlight
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Hailing from South Africa, she relishes embracing the world's vast knowledge pool.

When asked about her enthusiasm for working at Hutte, Samantha replied,

Salesforce has become my muse, and Hutte is the canvas that inspires me to create Git-based works of art.

Samantha takes great pleasure in being part of a team that fearlessly scales the highest summits to support the Trailblazer community.

A fascinating fact about Samantha is that she completed her Honors Degree in Philosophy. She believes that it stands to reason that a philosopher never sits down at work.
We're thrilled to have you blazing the trail with us!

Last updated: 11 Jun 2024